Friday, November 1, 2013

Blog Assignment for ITLS 4015

I believe that is important for all students at the secondary level to receive science education.  Secondary students should have a basic knowledge of the workings of the natural world that they live in so they can make informed decisions about it. 

The skills students learn in science classes are valuable in so many other aspects of life and should be treated like they are valuable life skills.  Communication, questioning, problem solving, evaluating sources, writing, and planning are all skills that will come in handy long after the students have left my class. 

Student interest in science should be encouraged.  In my class, I hope to be able to allow students to explore and find aspects of science that interest them instead of me telling them only what I feel is important.   Students may even find that they like science if they’re given a chance to do some.

I think I've always been interested in teaching science- biology in particular.  I used to teach everyone around when I went to the zoo as a kid and instructed my brother in the correct behavior of our plastic dinosaurs before age 5.  I knew I wanted to teach as a career when I was able to help my roommate pass her biology class my freshman year.  I love seeing the light come on when students get it :) 

Educational Blogs:

These educational blogs can be used by educators to create classroom pages, find new technology, facilitate class discussions online, incorporate social media in a positive way, and much more.  Blogs are fast becoming one of the most useful and accessible tools for teachers, in my opinion.